A safe place for quality of life even in climate change. Influence the adaptation strategy of Hradec Králové


Flash floods, heatwaves, and unexpected droughts are all signs of climate change, which we are starting to feel more and more. We want Hradec Králové to remain a pleasant and safe place to live. That is why we are working on an adaptation strategy. Thanks to the online questionnaire, it can be influenced by every citizen of the city.

We can no longer avoid extreme climatic events, but we can prepare for them and reduce their effect. This is the goal of the adaptation strategy of Hradec Králové, which is currently being prepared.

The adaptation strategy is formed by Hradec Králové with a team of experts. The team will first analyze the current impacts of climate change, such as extreme temperatures and the city's temperature island, water shortages, strong winds, or torrential rains. With the help of satellites in Earth's orbit and satellite data from them, they will examine the greenery, humidity, or temperature of the area. According to these data and the latest climate models, experts will prepare a perspective for the future.

For a good life even in climate change

Once the city has a good analysis of its vulnerability and the potential to strengthen its resilience to climate change, it will propose conceptual solutions and concrete projects to best prepare for these challenges through an adaptation strategy. For Hradec Králové, the goal is to minimize social, economic, and environmental risks. Thanks to this, it will be better to live in the city not only in a few years but also in decades.

Understanding and involving the public is important for the successful operation of such plans. Therefore, everyone can get involved in creating the strategy of their city, through an online questionnaire. It is available on the city's website, via the link https://bit.ly/adaptacnistrategiehradec or after scanning the QR code.

"Thanks to the adaptation strategy, the city will be a better and safer place to live," says the mayor, Alexandr Hrabálek. "The document and solutions are prepared by experts, but it is our priority to involve citizens in deciding on the future of Hradec Králové through an online survey."

Data collection and practical changes

And how will life in Hradec Králové change when the recommendations from the strategy are implemented in practice? The city should have a better climate, more oxygen, weaker heat waves, rainwater will help prevent drought, cooling the city, or watering the greenery. The city also wants to better manage energy and support the principles of the circular economy.

Specific threats and possible solutions will be clear once the strategy is completed. The analytical part is currently being processed. In the next phase, experts will propose steps and measures that Hradec Králové should take to adapt to climate change, with a view to 2040.

"Readiness for the effects of climate change has recently become one of the priorities of many cities and municipalities. We are very pleased that Hradec Králové is thinking not only of the present but also the future of its citizens," said Martin Vokřál, CEO of Atregia, which develops strategy for the city.

The project Adaptation Strategy for the Statutory City of Hradec Králové is supported by a grant from the people of Norway. Its completion will help the City to achieve further financial support for the effective preparation and implementation of practical changes.